How Many Backlinks Per Month Is Safe?

Learn About Off Page SEO

Backlinks contribute to how your website ranks in the search engines. However, this is not the only factor that determines how a website ranks in the search engines. The overall user experience, the quality of the content, and other factors are what contribute to a good ranking. Remember that there are more than 200 individual elements that work together to determine how good or bad your website ranking is.

What Makes A Good Backlink?

Several factors can be taken to constitute a good backlink. First of all, you want to make sure that your link looks natural. Also, you will want to ensure that they don’t contain a lot of anchor text. Backlinks that originate from authoritative websites are more valuable than others.

Moreover, you have to get links from websites that are not Spammy, and those that don’t buy spam links. This is because you may end up getting a backlink from a page or site with content that is not related to what you offer, and this can affect your overall rankings.

How Many Backlinks Should You Get Every month?

Before you start troubling yourself with the number of links that you need to get every month, the quality of the links is what you should try to concern yourself with. A backlink that comes from a high-ranked site, which is popular, and which ranks on the first page of Google will have more value than five links that emanate from lowly ranked websites. You have to try your best and build as many high-quality links as you can.

The effects that these backlinks can have are much better if they are linking to your internal pages than when they all link to your homepage. Generally, you will find it easier to build backlinks that connect to your inner pages than the homepage.  However, with the help of an SEO agency, nothing can be beyond their technical ability. They understand SEO fully and they can help you to achieve better results from your digital marketing results.

If you restrict most of the backlinks to your internal pages, you will attract backlinks from authoritative sites and with time, your website will get rewarded by the search engines.

What Happens If You Build Many Backlinks At Once?

This should not worry you because it’s unlikely for the search engines to penalize you with the penguin penalty, given that you have restricted yourself to building high-quality links. Moreover, you need to ensure that the backlinks that you are getting are rich anchor text. In the worst-case scenario, placing too many high-quality links on your web pages may lead to traffic reduction for some time. However, you will experience a quick rise in traffic volumes


If you start doing backlinking, you will realize that your website will rank higher for the long-tail keywords which you have used. But while doing this, the quality and not the number of your backlinks should be your concern. Create high-quality content, and concentrate on building links to your internal pages, not the home page.

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